Bible Issues - Problem Texts
Is the Bible the true word of God? Is it reliable
and faithful? Do we have the word of God in the English language? What
about all the different versions? These and many other questions
trouble believers and nonbelievers alike. The content in this section
will deal with these and similar issues.
in the King James Bible- Did the translators err
in using the word "baptism"?
Charity or Love: The
Greek word "agape" is translated both into both "charity" and "love" in
the New Testament so what is the difference?
Contradiction in Ezekiel
24:7? - Do the different readings of Ezekiel 24:7 in
different editions of the King James Bible prove it to be
Groves - Groves are spoken
against much in the King James Bible and are spoken of much
by the New Age disciples. However, they are often ignored
in the newer Bible versions. This article considers why.
The Love of Money - 1Timothy
Should this verse read that the love of money is the root of "all
kinds of evil" or "all evil"?
Occam's Razor and Acts 12:4 -
Many Bible teachers have given their reasons for the presence
of Easter in Acts 12:4. What is the easiest answer? Read
to find out.
Only Begotten
Son: the Battle for John 1:18 - Jesus has gone from
the "only begotten Son" to the "only begotten
God" to the "One and Only." How did
this happen and what does it mean?
at Brass: Bible critics are a
desperate group of people who go to great lengths to elevate
their learning in an attempt to remove themselves from under
the authority of God�s written revelation. The word �brass�
is no different for it is one of the chief �evidences�
offered by critics to �prove� the Bible contains errors.
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