The New Testament Church 0001 - Lesson 5
The New Testament Church is a controversial subject, but it is an important subject. The first portion of this course deals with the identity of the New Testament Church and its founding.
The New Testament Church 0001 - Lesson 4
The New Testament Church is a controversial subject, but it is an important subject. The first portion of this course deals with the identity of the New Testament Church and its founding.
The New Testament Church 0001 - Lesson 3
The New Testament Church is a controversial subject, but it is an important subject. The first portion of this course deals with the identity of the New Testament Church and its founding.
The Glories of the House of God
This message is about the glories of the latter house and how they compare to the glories of the local church today.
The Seven Years of Famine
the seven years of famine...we will take this incident in history as an allegory giving a picture of greater truths
The Secret Sin of the Saints
The untamed tongue is a special problem with the people of God. Yet, it is a sin that often goes unacknowledged. It is the saint’s dirty little secret and it is almost universal.
God of the Impossible
God’s special display of power is reserved for special times of need. God rarely shows Himself when He is not sought. His habit is to perform His miracles in the face of the impossible. Sometimes, the situation needs to get to the impossible before He will work in power and great glory.
The Lord is a Man of War
It is time for us to return to the battles of yesteryear, when the enemy was Satan, the stakes were eternal, the captain was the Lord Jesus, and the victory was certain.
The Heart of Hospitality
This short epistle deals with one specific problem: the reception and aid of the brethren who will be passing through as they perform their deeds of ministry. In short, this epistle is about the importance of hospitality.
The Way of Charity
This is the “Charity Chapter” in the Bible. Charity specifically refers to the love that we have toward other men.