Dispensationalism III - Lesson 6
The Bible must be rightly divided. This course will give the Bible student the proper tools to do so properly.
Dispensationalism III - Lesson 5
The Bible must be rightly divided. This course will give the Bible student the proper tools to do so properly.
Dispensationalism II - Lesson 1
The Bible must be rightly divided. This course will give the Bible student the proper tools to do so properly.
Bible History II - Lesson 3
Learn about the prophets of the Bible, and the time period in which they prophesied.
Bible History I - Lesson 5
Learn a general knowledge of the tabernacle, the priesthood and the offerings.
The Blessing of Ephraim & Manasseh
Although this lesson may seem anticlimactic, God is still fulfilling His blessings on Joseph and rewarding him for his faithfulness. Our final reward comes in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). Yet, we can be sure that our God will make all things work out to the good of those who love Him.
Numbered List
Jacob Gets Married
Jacob is still the deceiver. However, God is still blessing him and is certainly teaching him. In this lesson, he learns what it is to be deceived himself. We should consider our actions in like manner. Would we be willing to receive from others what we give to them?
Numbered List
Tithes and Offerings - Section 4 - Lesson 6
The problems, proportion and promise of giving. Another discipleship lesson from Donnie Melton.
As it is Written of Him
In Mark 9:11-13 we read about the prophecy of Elias. Verse 13 says "as it is written of him". Now, where is it written?
Dashing Little Ones Against Stones
Does God condone the abuse or harm of children?