April 30,
Danger of Artificial Happiness
� Ronald W. Dworkin, in his book Artificial Happiness
(p.17-18), warns us of the danger of the new drugs that
produce an artificial state of happiness. �With so many
people resorting to Artificial Happiness, society as a whole
is inevitably affected. The most important things in life
begin in a person�s mind. Since the mind sets limits on
behavior, small changes in the mind may have serious social
consequences. When a man silences his misery through
Artificial Happiness, he also silences his conscience.
Actually, he must silence his conscience, since a bad
conscience often causes his unhappiness�
�A reckless act sometimes follows when a person silences his
conscience with alcohol, since that part of his mind that
appraises his activity is turned off. A murderer takes a
shot of whiskey before finishing the job. A prostitute takes
a stiff drink to numb her mind before work. Soldiers get
drunk before sacking a city. Society is able to contain such
reckless behavior because intoxicated people are relatively
few in number. In addition, alcohol wears off quickly; even
murderers and prostitutes come back to reason after which
they sometimes feel remorse for their behavior.
�But imagine an entire class of people who stupefy
themselves regularly and constantly, who remain stupefied
throughout the day, and who live not on society�s fringes
but in the mainstream. Suddenly the problem grows more
serious�millions of regular people stifling their
consciences to live happier lives, thinking, and therefore
behaving, in ways they would not otherwise do. Through sheer
numbers these people pose a greater threat to the social
fabric than murderers, prostitutes, and thieves.� Read
Ephesians 4:19; 1Timothy 4:2; 2Timothy 3:1-4.
Topics: Drugs, Happiness, Conscience
Finding the Light Burden
� �We have worn ourselves out serving the One who said, �My yoke is
easy and my burden is light.� [Matthew 11:30] The Christian
life is not that complicated. Let us find the balance and
then get on with it. Peter�s statement in Luke 5 is classic.
�Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken
nothing� (Luke 5:5). We should know by now that anything
that begins with �we� will end with �nothing.�� �from The
God You Can Know by Dan DeHaan (p.116).
Topics: Sanctification, Balance, Surrender
April 28,
Every Word of God Important
� �Concerning Paul�s word as to his books and parchments (2Timothy
4:13), there is an interesting incident that shows the value
of every word of Scripture. One asked J. N. Darby what loss
there would be if that remark had not been preserved. He
replied that he at least would have been the loser, because
in his ascetic days as a clergyman he had thought to get rid
of his library, but it was the care of Paul for his books
that had restrained him. When the vast benefit to the church
at large that resulted later from Darby�s use of his
extensive and valuable library is considered, there is a
remarkable example of the value of each word of God�s book.�
�from From Eternity to Eternity by Erich Sauer
(p.121). Read Psalm 119:128; Proverbs 30:5.
Topics: Inspiration, Preservation of Scripture, Books,
Afflictions Work to Cleanse of Corruption
� �Afflictions work for good to the godly, as they are
destructive to sin. Sin is the mother, affliction is the
daughter; the daughter helps to destroy the mother. Sin is
like the tree that breeds the worm, and affliction is like
the worm that eats the tree. There is much corruption in the
best heart; affliction does by degrees work it out, as the
fire works out the dross from the gold, �this is all the
fruit to take away his sin� (Isaiah 27:9). What if we
have more of the rough file, if we have less rust! If a
physician should say to a patient, �Your body is
distempered, and full of bad humors, which must be cleared
out, or you die; but I will prescribe physic which, though
it may make you sick, yet it will carry away the dregs of
your disease, and save your life�; would not this be for the
good of the patient? Afflictions are the medicine which God
uses to carry off our spiritual diseases; they cure the
tympany [tumor] of pride, the fever of lust, the dropsy of
covetousness.� �from All Things For Good by Thomas
Watson (p.29). Read Romans 5:3-4.
Topics: Affliction, Corruption, Sin, Cleansing
April 27,
Hatred Against Baptists
� �Cotton Mather, the leading Puritan minister in New England at
the end of the seventeenth century, illustrates in his diary
the low opinion the Puritans had of Baptists in general and
Baptist preachers in particular. He tells of a preacher
named May who arrived from England in 1699 and began
preaching publicly. Mather called him �a wondrous Lump of
Ignorance and Arrogance� and bemoaned the fact that many
people were drawn to him. �Multitudes of the giddy People
are as much bewitched with him, as if he were another Simon
Magus. There is evidently a Satanic Energy on the People in
this Town; and Satan is attempting, tho� by a very little
Tool, a great Shock to our churches.�
�Whether the man was a Baptist or not is never proven;
Mather just assumes as much. The irrational and illogical
attempts to defame the Baptists resulted in frequent
outbursts from the Puritan establishment. Some of their
accusations were proven to be completely fabricated, such as
a pamphlet circulated in 1673 that claimed that an orthodox
New England minister named Baxter was barbarously skinned
alive by angry Baptists� Many were ready to believe this
incredible story, but it was soon proven that there was no
such minister by the name of Baxter in all of New England.�
�from The Forgotten Heritage by Thomas R. McKibbens,
Jr. (p.115-116). Read John 15:18-19; Acts 5:40-41.
Topics: Baptists, Persecution, Cotton Mather, False
Preaching With Effect
� Duke Kimbrough (1762-1849) served as the pastor of First
Baptist Church in Dandridge, Tennessee, for fifty years. �A
peculiarity of Elder Kimbrough�s preaching was a sudden and
unexpected pause in his discourse. The use of this surprise
power, like the sudden stopping of a train of cars, was
sometimes very effective. On one occasion, however, the
surprise came the other way. The preacher was urging upon
his members the importance of looking after their
religion��fencing it up��and with the exclamatory statement
that �circumstances alter cases,� came to a sudden pause.
�Yes,� broke in one of the sisters, �that�s what I told
John! I told him if he planted the corn before he built the
fence the hogs would root it up�and they did.�� �from
Sketches of Tennessee�s Pioneer Baptist Preachers by J.
J. Burnett (p.291). Read Proverbs 24:27; Isaiah 5:2.
Topics: Preaching, Faithfulness
April 26,
Lady in a Tempest
� The Baptist missionary, Mrs. M. B. Ingalls, served with
her husband in Burma. When he died in 1856, she refused to
go home and continued for the next 46 years working in Burma
alone. �While she was in charge of a lonely station, Mrs.
Ingalls was holding an evening class in her bungalow when
one of the nationals rushed in with great fear to report
that the chief of a hostile tribe and his warriors were
approaching her home. There was no time for escape, and in a
few moments she heard the tramp of marching feet.
��The door was opened, and a swarm of wild men, with
flashing eyes, poured into the room. She alone was calm and
self-possessed, receiving them kindly as if they were
friends. They seemed for a moment subdued by her manner;
and, as if by inspiration, she seized the opportunity to
divert their attention by stories about America, telling
them among other things of Colt�s revolver, laying her hand
as she spoke, upon the pistol her lamented husband had
presented her. The chief listened with scorn and incredulity
pictured upon his face. Then, suddenly picking up a piece of
paper, he stuck it upon the wall, and cried, �Shoot.� For a
second her heart trembled; she did not know that the pistol
was loaded, nor how to use it, for she had never fired one
in her life. But again, sending to heaven a swift petition
for help, she took aim and fired. The ball pierced the
centre of the target. Instantly, as if shot, or perhaps
expecting that ball would follow ball, the wild natives
rushed from the place, and the missionary widow and her
frightened flock fell on their knees to render thanks to
their Divine Protector.�� �from This Day in Baptist
History by E. Wayne Thompson and David L. Cummins
(p.283). Read Psalm 64:1; 79:11; 97:10.
Topics: Missions, Burma, God�s Protection
April 25,
Grace in Rough Treatment
� �As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that
gives souls, as well as stones, their luster. The more the
diamond is cut the brighter it sparkles; and in what seems
hard dealing, there God has no end in view but to perfect
his people. �by the Scottish preacher Thomas Guthrie
(1803-1873). Read Malachi 3:17; Hebrews 12:10-11; 1Peter
Topics: Trials, Christian Growth
Man�s Liberty to Act
� The Puritan author, Stephen Charnock, in The Existence and
Attributes of God (p.145-146), makes a case for man�s
freedom to action alongside God�s absolute foreknowledge of
all things: �If God�s prescience takes away the liberty of
the creature, there is no such thing as a free action in the
world (for there is nothing done but is foreknown by God,
else we render God of a limited understanding), nor ever
was, no, not by God himself, ad extra; for whatsoever
he hath done in creation, whatsoever he hath done since the
creation, was foreknown by him: he resolved to do it, and,
therefore, foreknew that he would do it. Did God do it,
therefore, necessarily, as necessity is opposed to liberty?
As he freely decrees what he will do, so he effects what he
freely decreed.
�Foreknowledge is so far from intrenching upon the liberty
of the will, that predeterminism, which in the notion of it
speaks something more, doth not dissolve it; God did not
only foreknow, but determine the suffering of Christ (Acts
4:27-28). It was necessary, therefore, that Christ should
suffer, that God might not be mistaken in his foreknowledge,
or come short of his determinate decree; but did this take
away the liberty of Christ in suffering? (Ephesians 5:2):
who �hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice
to God;� that is, by a voluntary act, as well as designed to
do it by a determinate counsel. It did infallibly secure the
event, but did not annihilate the liberty of the action,
either in Christ�s willingness to suffer, or the crime of
the Jews that made him suffer.� Read Romans 8:29-30.
Topics: Free Will, Liberty, Foreknowledge, Crucifixion
April 24,
King James Bible English
� In God�s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible
(p.211), Adam Nicolson describes the special kind of English
that was used in the translation of the King James Bible:
�It speaks in its master�s voice and is not the English you
would have heard on the street, then or ever. It took up its
life in a new and distinct dimension of linguistic space,
somewhere between English and Greek (or, for the Old
Testament, between English and Hebrew). These scholars were
not pulling the language of the scriptures into the English
they knew and used at home. The words of the King James
Bible are just as much English pushed towards the condition
of a foreign language as a foreign language translated into
English. It was, in other words, more important to make
English godly than to make the words of God into the sort of
prose that any Englishmen would have written.� Read John
10:2-4; 1Thessalonians 2:13.
Topics: King James Bible, Biblical English, Translation
Wanted: Godly Men Who Will Dare For God
� �Where are our dreamers? Where are the men who
can get alone with God for two hours and come out with three
pages of creative ideas? Where are the �thus saith the Lord�
men today? America is dying for lack of purpose. If the
church does not fill this need, we had better admit defeat
now. Hell and all its demons know exactly where they are
going with this world, and God is look for men who dare to
match their intensity in purpose.� �from The God You Can
Know by Dan DeHaan (p.126). Read Jeremiah 5:1; Ezekiel
Topics: Challenge, Purpose, Leadership
April 23,
Not Only Men of College Learning
� Baptist preachers have often been accused of ignorance because of their
lack of higher education. Though the lack of learning in
Baptists was not universal, it was indeed often the case.
But Baptists never felt that God was limited to using men
with a college education. �John Russel, the pastor of First
Baptist Church of Boston in 1680, stated that Baptists both
esteemed and honored learning and would gladly call educated
men as pastoral leaders. �But,� he went on to say, �we do
not think that the Spirit of God is locked up within the
narrow limits of Colledge-Learning� we cannot find that the
Lord (by Divine Institution) hath tyed the work of the
Ministry unto men of such Learning only, but whom he will,
he fits and qualifies for that work.�� �from The
Forgotten Heritage by Thomas R. McKibbens, Jr. (p.117).
Read 1Thessalonians 5:24; 1Timothy 1:12.
Education, Qualifications of a Pastor, Learning
Gospel Witness of Genealogies
� �A heathen Chinaman asked a missionary for a Gospel. The latter
had at hand only a Gospel by Matthew. He regretted this: he
would rather have given him the Gospel by John. For Matthew
begins with its long genealogical table, which is so
extended but contains, as it seems, so little that is
interesting. Might not the reader after a few lines lose
pleasure in the book and cease to read?�But what happened?
Next day the Chinaman returned and expressed his very great
joy, because the beginning of the book had been so
interesting. As we know, the Chinese have a great regard for
honouring their ancestors, and that must indeed be a special
man, who had an ancestral tree of such importance and
covering so many centuries! This had at once awakened his
special interest in the history of such a man. The beginning
had therefore inclined him to continue reading with double
interest.� �from From Eternity to Eternity by Erich
Sauer (p.121). Read Psalm 119:128; Proverbs 30:5.
Topics: Word of God, Matthew, Genealogies, China, Missions
April 20,
Do You Seek to Know the Glory of Christ?
� �And may we not a little examine ourselves by these things?
Do we esteem this pressing towards the perfect view of the
glory of Christ to be our duty; and do we abide in the
performance of it? If it be otherwise with any of us, it is
a signal evidence that our profession is hypocritical. If
Christ be in us, he is the hope of glory in us; and where
that hope is, it will be active in desires of the things
hoped for. Many love the world too well, and have their
minds too much filled with the things of it, to entertain
desires of speeding through it unto a state wherein they may
behold the glory of Christ. They are at home, and are
unwilling to be absent from the body, though to be present
with the Lord. They hope it may be that such a season will
come at one time or another, and then it will be the best
they can look for when they can be here no more.
�But they
have but a little sight of the glory of Christ in this world
by faith, if any at all, who so little, so faintly desire to
have the immediate sight of it above. I cannot understand
how any man can walk with God as he ought, or hath that love
for Jesus Christ which true faith will produce, or doth
place his refreshments and joy in spiritual things, in
things above, that doth not, on all just occasions, so
meditate on the glory of Christ in heaven, as to long for an
admittance into the immediate sight of it.� �from The
Glory of Christ by John Owen (p.188). Read Colossians
1:27; 1Peter 1:7, 11; 5:10.
Heaven, Glory of Christ, Heavenly Desires
Persecuted by the Protestants
� �The sad
instances of persecution practiced against the Baptists by
the Protestants in King Edward VI�s reign are in the Latin
version of Foxe�s Book of Martyrs but were left out
of his English edition in order to protect the reputation of
some of the martyrs of Queen Mary�s day who had persecuted
the Baptists during Edward�s reign. John Rogers, one of
Foxe�s friends, called for the death of those who opposed
the baptism of infants. It is reported that Rogers declared,
�That burning alive was no cruel death, but easy enough.� It
is believed it was Foxe who responded, �Well perhaps, it may
so happen, that you yourselves shall have your hands full of
this mild burning.� And so it came to pass, and Rogers was
the first man who was burned in Queen Mary�s time.� �from
This Day in Baptist History by David L Cummins
(p.285-286). Read Matthew 7:2; 2Thessalonians 1:6; James
Baptist History, Persecution, King Edward VI, Queen Mary,
April 19,
Adolf Hitler and Evangelical Christians
� G. C. Berkouwer, in The Providence of God
(p.162-163), uses the Christians in Germany at the time of
Adolf Hitler�s rise to power in 1933 as an example of the
danger of giving praise to political movements as the
supporters of God and His agenda. �The �German Christians�
spoke of the �Lord of history� who was at that moment in
Germany�s history speaking in a clear voice. It led a group
of theologians at Wurtemburg to come out in 1934 with this
statement: �We are full of thanks to God that He, as Lord of
history, has given us Adolf Hitler, our leader and savior
from our difficult lot. We acknowledge that we, with body
and soul, are bound and dedicated to the German state and to
its Fuhrer. This bondage and duty contains for us, as
evangelical Christians, its deepest and most holy
significance in its obedience to the command of God.�
declaration, in 1933, said, �To this turn of history (i.e.
Hitler�s taking power) we say a thankful Yes. God has
given him to us. To Him be the glory. As bound to God�s
Word, we recognize in the great events of our day a new
commission of God to His Church.�� Read Matthew 24:24;
2Corinthians 11:13-15.
Deceit, Politics, Providence, Adolf Hitler
Spirit and the Word
� �The
Spirit of God has not only inbreathed the written word and
given it, but has continued with it. He accompanies it and
makes it operative. He makes the bare record to be a bridge
with heaven. God comes to us now through His word,
and the Word that is centuries old remains fresh and
eternally young. It is as if it had been written but
yesterday, �as if the ink was not yet dry,� never growing
old, superior to time, ever present. And it is often quite
insignificant remarks, which the reader may have read in
passing hundreds of times, that suddenly shine with light,
and become a message from God to influence his life, and
indeed can change it fundamentally.� �from From Eternity
to Eternity by Erich Sauer (p.134). Read Jeremiah 15:16;
1Corinthians 2:12-13.
Holy Spirit, Word of God, Illumination, Bible Reading
April 17,
Revival Hymns
� �Revival
hymnody has long had as an objective the deepening and
renewal of personal Christian experience. Typically, this
involves taking the metaphors of Scripture and applying them
to one�s own personal experience. The Great Revival that
began in Kentucky around 1800 was the series of watershed
events in the United States that led to widespread use of
hymns and gospel songs to indoctrinate hearers with
evangelical theology. The revival meetings often began with
lively singing. In the Kehukee Baptist Association of North
Carolina, singing was described as �a great blessing.�
verses, refrains, and choruses reduced doctrine to memorized
portions. As historians have shown, the officiating minister
often would read one line at a time, the congregation would
repeat it, after which all would sing a refrain. In
pedagogical fashion, preachers would punctuate the verses
with exhortative phrases like �Do you know what you just
said?� or �How many people really believe what they just
�As singing
became prevalent and the itinerant revivalists required
easily available texts, sales of pocket-sized hymnals
increased. These became printed theological texts, with
categories like �Awakening,� �Providence,� �Penitential,�
and the �Holy Spirit.� A variety of composers and lyricists
was used, including the Wesleys, Doddridge, and Isaac Watts,
as was the proverbial �Author Unknown� that likely referred
to the presenting evangelist himself. Given the paucity of
lay understanding of musical scores and the scarcity of
printed music, emphasis was given to printed poetic texts in
the earliest popularly used hymnbooks.� �from A Genetic
History of Baptist Thought by William H. Brackney
(p.93). Read Acts 16:25; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16;
James 5:13.
Hymns, Revivals, Second Great Awakening, Singing
April 16,
Disconnect Between Missionaries and the People at Home
� �Some overseas cross-cultural ministers work their standard
four-year term hearing little or nothing from the churches
that send them checks and little else. A care package, to
them, is something college students, not missionaries,
receive. When they return to the States at the end of their
term (to raise more money), they are amazed at the opulence.
They are largely unknown in the churches they visit, but
it�s easy to spot them: they are usually the ones whose
clothing, and values, are just slightly out of date.
church people who do make an effort [to] talk to
missionaries usually want to update them on the latest in
fashion, in politics, in sports on this side of the ocean.
Few ask intelligent, probing questions about issues
missionaries face. Mirroring the superficiality in network
news coverage of international events, few have an interest
in what goes on in other parts of the world. Indeed, one
church layman who is active in evangelizing his neighbors,
business contacts, and co-workers is typical in his
admission, �I just don�t care what happens in other
countries.�� �from Missions in the Third Millennium
by Stan Guthrie (p.24). Read Proverbs 25:25; Romans
Missions, International Events, News
Wheels of Providence
� Clarence
Macartney in The Parables of the Old Testament
(p.75-76) makes an application of Ezekiel�s wheel in a
wheel: �In his great vision this same prophet saw the four
living creatures, attended by the four wheels, moving
forward, backward, laterally, at once, because it was a
wheel within a wheel [Ezekiel 1:15-21; 10:8-19]. At first
glance, the history of the world seems to be just a rush and
roar and clash of wheels within wheels, getting nowhere,
guided by no intelligence, accomplishing no end. But if we
look at history in the light of our faith in God, we shall
have little difficulty in discovering that the spirit of the
living creature is in the wheel, that the wheels are full of
the eyes of purpose and intelligence, and that the general
movement of the chariot of Providence is straight on.
�The whole
course of history seems to have been the voluntary effort of
man, the ambitions of this world empire or that empire, the
evil designs of this king or that adventurer, the pressure
of economic forces, the conflict of race antipathies, the
collusion of plans of dominion. But just as God used the
king of Babylon and the king of Egypt to carry out His
purposes in Israel, so all the movements of history are not
without His permission, and do not fail to register His
will.� Read Psalm 76:10.
Ezekiel�s chariot, Providence, History
April 13,
Critical Assumptions of the Atheist
� Although I cannot recommend the writings of Cornelius Val Til per se,
he wrote a fascinating pamphlet in 1948 called Why I
Believe in God. He wrote this pamphlet as if he were in
a conversation with one who denied God and the Bible.
However, instead of simply giving proofs for the existence
of God and the validity of the Bible, Van Til pointed out
that the denier of God bases his beliefs on underlying
assumptions just as much as a Christian does. Atheists
continually accuse Christians of believing what they do
because of foundational assumptions of faith while the
atheist claims he bases his view of the universe on
scientific fact. Van Till reveals the underlying beliefs
(called presuppositions) of the atheist to be as much an act
of faith as the faith of the Christian. It is still a matter
of choosing which God we will serve (Joshua 24:15; 1Kings
18:21). The assumptions themselves need to be examined. Here
are a couple of excerpts from the pamphlet:
�The point
is this. Not believing in God, we have seen, you do not
think yourself to be God�s creature. And not believing in
God you do not think the universe has been created by God.
That is to say, you think of yourself and the world as just
being there. Now if you actually are God�s creature, then
your present attitude is very unfair to Him. In that case it
is even an insult to Him. And having insulted God, His
displeasure rests upon you. God and you are not on �speaking
terms.� And you have very good reasons for trying to prove
that He does not exist. If He does exist, He will punish you
for your disregard of Him. You are therefore wearing colored
glasses. And this determines everything you say about the
facts and reasons for not believing in Him. You have as it
were entered upon God�s estate and have had your picnics and
hunting parties there without asking permission. You have
taken the grapes of God�s vineyard without paying Him any
rent and you have insulted His representatives who asked you
for it�
�Now in
presenting all your facts and reasons to me, you have
assumed that such a God does not exist. You have taken for
granted that you need no emplacement of any sort outside of
yourself. You have assumed the autonomy of your own
experience. Consequently you are unable�that is,
unwilling�to accept as fact any fact that would challenge
your self-sufficiency. And you are bound to call that
contradictory which does not fit into the reach of your
intellectual powers� I am asking you to be critical of this
your own most basic assumption. Will you not go onto the
basement of your own experience to see what has been
gathering there while you were busy here and there with the
surface inspection of life? You may be greatly surprised at
what you find there. �quoted from Van Til�s Apologetic:
Readings and Analysis by Greg L. Bansen (p.132-133).
Cornelius Van Til, Apologetics, Atheism, Presuppositionalism,
Witnessing to Atheists
April 12,
Ministry of Clarence Larkin
� �Clarence
Larkin, who became well known for his ministry of writing,
was born on October 28, 1850 in Chester, Pennsylvania. We
know little concerning his early life, but when he was
nineteen, we was converted and became a member of an
Episcopal church. Knowing that his sins were forgiven, he
immediately desired to preach, but the opportunity to attend
college was not available. He secured employment in a bank,
and in a few years he was able to leave the bank and enter
college. He possessed a methodical mind, and graduated as a
mechanical engineer. He served as a professional draftsman,
before becoming a teacher of the blind�
�In 1882,
when he was thirty-two, he embraced Baptist convictions, was
immersed and united with a Baptist church. Two years later
he was ordained. He went from the business world to the
labor of ministry as he accepted a call to pastor the
Baptist church in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. His second
pastorate was at Fox Chase, Pennsylvania, where he pastored
for twenty years. At the time of his ordination, Clarence
Larkin was not a premillennialist, but as he studied the
Bible and interpreted the Scriptures literally, he was
forced to reconsider his position concerning prophecy�
adopting the Premillennial understanding of the Scriptures,
Reverend Larkin, with draftsmen skills, began making large
wall charts, which he entitled, �Prophetic Truth.� He used
these charts in teaching from the pulpit. This means of
presenting prophetic truths became very popular. Area
believers soon heard of this unique way of presenting God�s
Word. In time Reverend Larkin was invited to teach in two
Bible institutes. Soon the man of God began publishing his
charts. They were circulated widely even before World War
�Prior to
that war, the battle between Fundamentalism and Liberalism
was just heating up. Prophetic preaching was gaining great
interest, and Reverend Larkin was invited to bring addresses
on the war in light of prophecy. It was at this time that he
began the work of preparing his book on Dispensational
Truth (or God�s Plan and Purpose in the Ages)
which contained a number of charts depicting a graphic
portrait of Biblical truths. The volume was first published
in 1918 and went through several editions. This was the
crowning work of Reverend Larkin�s literary efforts, though
he also wrote The Book of Daniel, Spirit World,
and the Second Coming of Christ� His Lord saw fit to
take his servant home on January 24, 1924. �from This Day
in Baptist History III by David L. Cummins (p.49-50).
Read 1Chronicles 12:32; 2Timothy 2:15; 3:16.
Dispensationalism, Premillennialism, Clarence Larkin
April 11,
Music Induced Drug Trips
� �How
drugs and music merge is unclear, but there are alarming
stories of the result. Jean Alison told Reader�s Digest
the story of her son�s LSD trips being set off again by �one
of the tunes he had been singing.� Even more alarming, the
British youth magazine Young Life reported that a
young man, converted to Christ ten years previously and
miraculously healed of hard drug addiction, went to the
Greenbelt Christian music festival in 1981 and as soon as he
got there started hallucinating for the first time since he
became a Christian!� �from Can We Rock the Gospel?
(p.126) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini. Read
1Thessalonians 5:22.
Music, Rock Music, Drugs
Perfect Words from the Perfect Man
� Of the words of Jesus Christ, Martin Lloyd-Jones said, �Christ never
said anything accidentally. He had all the letters of the
alphabet at his command.� �quoted in The Sacred Anointing
by Tony Sargent (p.156).
Words of Jesus, Word of God, Jesus Christ
Cup of Bitterness
�It is a
great thing, when the cup of bitterness is pressed to our
lips, to feel that it is not fate or necessity, but divine
love working upon us for good ends.� �by E. H. Chapin
(1814-1880). Read Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28.
Bitterness, Providence
April 10,
Doctrine-Free Entertainment Evangelism
� Another
problem for entertainment evangelism is �that doctrines such
as the holiness and sovereignty of God, the depravity of
man, the substitutionary death of Christ, the need for
genuine repentance and the call to holiness of life, all cut
and hurt and offend the natural man. He hates these things.
How then can they possibly be conveyed to him in a worldly
and tainted entertainment idiom, which is designed to be
pleasurable to his senses?
�This same
question must be asked of worship. Can we truly touch
people�s hearts by tickling their ears? The Australian-born
preacher J. Sidlow Baxter made this comment in his book
Rethinking our Priorities: �Pop style, lilty, swingy
airs or strummings simply do not fit the rich, deep, urgent,
serious truths of the Bible and the gospel.� In other words,
the music does not fit the message. The music may be
popular, but as the English composer and musicologist Erik
Routley says, �If any music is composed or performed with an
eye simply to attracting the unconverted, it is likely to
fall into the same error we find in the parson who, in order
to make users of bed language feel at home, uses bad
language himself.�� �from Can We Rock the Gospel?
(p.163-164) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini. Read
Galatians 1:10; James 4:4.
Music, Rock Music, Entertainment
Staying Close to the Model
� In An
Autobiography (p.111), Gipsy Smith tells of his early
days of ministry when he had to learn to read. �I soon came
to the end of my own native mental store, and I had to seek
replenishment for my mind in study and thinking. And one
cannot well study unless one knows how to read. I taught
myself writing from a copybook, and like everybody else who
has pursued this method of self-instruction, I found the
first line I wrote under the copy was always the best. As I
got further away from the model, the worse my writing grew.
The thoughtful reader will see a lesson here for himself.
The nearer we keep to our model, Christ, the more like will
our life be to His. Should not this be our daily prayer:
A heart in every thought renewed
And full of love divine,
Perfect and right and pure and good,
A copy, Lord, of thine.�
April 9, 2007
Proclaiming Peace
� In his
Recollections of a Long Life (p.79-80), the nineteenth
century Virginia Baptist preacher and pastor, Jeremiah
Jeter, tells of an incident that occurred during his youth.
At the close of the War of 1812 with the British (about
1814) when young Jeremiah was about twelve years old, he
gives this report: �I resided about seven miles from the
town of Liberty. In that place there was a small cannon, by
which the patriotic citizens usually announced the victories
of the American arms. One afternoon there was an unusual
amount of firing. I was sent for by my grandfather, who
resided near my home, and dispatched on a fleet horse to
Liberty to learn of the news. I performed the service with
no little pleasure.
reaching the town I found the inhabitants frantic with
delight at the intelligence that a peace had been
established between the belligerent powers. I lost no time
in returning to bear the tidings of peace, and had the honor
to be the first to proclaim it along the road to my home.
Wherever I saw a person in a house, on the road, or in a
field, white or colored, I cried: �Peace! peace! peace!� On
approaching my grandfather�s, where many were on the tiptoe
of expectation to hear the news, I quickened my horse into
full speed, crying at the top of my voice: �Peace! peace!
peace!� I have made many trips, but never so joyful a one as
that. Tears of gladness and loud huzzas attended me all
along my route. I had the privilege of proclaiming a sudden
and unexpected deliverance from a great national calamity,
of which the community around me was enduring its full
�This event
furnishes an illustration of the words of Paul, quoted from
Isaiah: �How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the
gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!�
(Romans 10:15). The glory of the message is somewhat
transferred to the messenger. When I bore the glad tidings
of peace, my garments might have been soiled or rent, and my
face and feet covered with dust; but who cared for my
appearance? It was overlooked in the joy of the message, or
rather it derived a beauty from the good news which I
brought. Just so it is with those who proclaim the gospel.
To persons duly awake to the evil of sin, the value of the
soul, and the preciousness of salvation, there is something
attractive in the preacher of the gospel. His very feet,
covered with perspiration and dust, seem beautiful to those
who receive from his lips the glad news of redeeming
Salvation, Witnessing, Peace
April 6, 2007
Preaching Replaced with Music
� �As Paul
Bassett rightly notes, �We sing of Christ, recite Christ,
dramatize Christ, but less and less do we preach Christ.�
Straightforward preaching is slowly being sidelined and
straightforward preachers are becoming an endangered
species! It would not be an exaggeration to say that music
has become an obsession for many of those involved in
evangelism today, especially among young people. In one
major event after another the band or group is the main
attraction. In a very real sense, the medium has become the
�Surely it
is time to turn the tide? We believe that those in positions
of responsibility need to do some serious, honest, biblical
rethinking in this area. The Bible tells us that when Christ
ascended into heaven he made full provision for the ongoing
work of the kingdom of God by bestowing various gifts on the
church: �some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers (Ephesians
4:11). It is surely significant that there are no musicians
in the list!� �from Can We Rock the Gospel?
(p.241-242) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini.
Music, Preaching
Finding Each Other at the Altar
� In An
Autobiography (p.120-121), Gipsy Smith tells of a couple
who came to know the Lord. �A man and woman who had lived
together for many years unmarried came one night into our
meeting at Newcastle. They did not know of each other�s
presence there. Neither knew what was passing in the mind
and heart of the other. At the end, in response to my
invitation, they both came forward among the penitents and I
dealt with them. Even while they knelt there before God,
confessing their sins and seeking His salvation and
strength, each was ignorant that the other was among that
little company.
presently, of course, the situation was revealed to them,
and the look of surprise and joy on their faces was a sight
that will never be forgotten by me as long as I live. They
told me their story, and I asked what they meant to do. They
said, �We cannot go home together tonight; that is certain.�
I asked them if they knew of any reason why they should not
be married. They said there was none; and they ate
wedding-breakfast at our house. After this both led
beautiful lives, adorning the grace that had wrought this
miracle in them.�
Salvation, Living Together, Marriage
April 5, 2007
Meaning of Rock and Roll
� �What
does �rock �n� roll� mean? What has it got to do with a
particular musical style? Where did the name come from? How
did it come to be used to describe the music?
�The phrase
itself seems to have been born in the American black ghetto
communities at the end of the Second World War, where it was
a slang phrase for fornication. As such, it soon found its
way into the very earthy rhythm-and-blues songs of the
times. In 1951 Alan Freed, a disc jockey in Cleveland, Ohio,
was looking for a phrase to describe the growing spill-over
of rhythm-and-blues music, which he was beginning to play on
his white radio station, a phrase that would capture the
spirit of the music and mirror the growing excitement it was
generating among young people. The phrase he chose was �rock
�n� roll.�
�It has
been said that Freed chose the phrase to make the music more
acceptable to white listeners. That may well be the case,
but that is not why it was originally coined and his choice
may have been more significant than he realized. One thing
is certain; the sexual connotation remained and the fear of
many is that it fits the music too well to be merely
coincidental.� �from Can We Rock the Gospel?
(p.116-117) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini. Read
1Thessalonians 5:22; Philippians 4:8.
Music, Rock Music, Rock and Roll
Last Man Executed in England for the Faith
� �The last
man who was put to death in England for religion was a
Baptist. His name was Edward Wightman� Mr. Wightman was of
the town of Burton upon Trent, he was convicted of divers
heresies before the bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, and
being delivered over to the secular power, was burnt at
Litchfield, April 11th, 1612�
�From the
death of William Sawtre, who was burnt in London, to the
time that Edward Wightman perished in the flames at
Litchfield, was a period of two hundred and twelve years. We
have very good grounds for believing that Sawtre was a
Baptist, we are sure that Wightman was, and thus it appears
that the Baptists have had the honor of leading the van, and
bringing up the rear, of that part of the noble army of
English martyrs, who have laid down their lives at the
stake.� �from A General History of the Baptist
Denomination: Volume I (p.196) by David Benedict. Read
1Thessalonians 3:3-4; 2Timothy 3:12; Hebrews 11:37-38.
Edward Wightman, Persecution, Baptists, Martyrs
April 3, 2007
Going Deaf by Rock Music
� Exposure
�to loud rock music has had serious effects on the hearing
of the listeners. An ear, nose and throat specialist in the
United States estimates that about 40% of students entering
university have hearing defects caused by listening to rock
music; in pre-rock days, the figure was 1%. In a study
carried out on 505 British students in higher education,
Hanson and Fearn discovered that �statistically significant
hearing losses were found in the group that admitted
frequent attendance at pop music entertainment.�
studies by Ronald Fearn in the course of his work at Leeds
Polytechnic in England during the nineteen-seventies
suggested that up to one million young people in Britain
suffered some degree of hearing loss caused by listening to
loud music and that many have hearing problems normally
associated with sixty-five to seventy-year-olds. It is no
wonder that Hanson and Fearn conclude their paper by calling
overloud amplified music �a widespread hazard.�� �from
Can We Rock the Gospel (p.60) by John Blanchard and Dan
Lucarini. Read Numbers 32:23.
Music, Rock Music, Deafness, Hearing Loss
Servants to Men; Free Men in Christ
� In Baptists on the American Frontier (p.220), John Taylor tells
of the working of God among the Afro-Americans in a Kentucky
community in 1823: �A great many blacks attended the
baptizing on Sunday. They, in a manner, took possession of
the shore. And of the thirteen that were baptized only one
was a white person who had been received a month before. The
exulting joy among some of the blacks on that day went a
little beyond moderation. For my own part, I do not
recollect that I ever enjoyed such a heavenly feast among
the black people before. For the sake of convenience I took
two or three of them into the water at once. And when I
would return them to the hundreds of their black friends on
the shore, with tears of joy their friendly hands and arms
would grasp them to their bosom. The air would ring with
their thanksgiving and praises to God for His wonderful
works of grace on the hearts of poor sinners.
�When I
brought out the last of them and got fairly on land among
them, I partook with the utmost pleasure their
manifestations of good will and Christian love, while I felt
thankful that our God was no respecter of persons. I now
remember a prophecy of David in Psalm 68:31: �Ethiopia shall
soon stretch out her hands unto God.�
�One of
these poor, black men by the name of Essex, soon as his head
was raised above water, began to praise God aloud and
enquired for his dear master, who was then weeping on the
shore. He wanted to give him his hand, which he soon did.
Here master and servant meets on perfect equality. James
said, �Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is
exalted: But the rich, in that he is made low� (James
1:9-10). Jack and Harry or Essex has a master in the shop or
on the farm but not so in the church of Christ. There they
all have a Master, and only one Master�Jesus Christ. And
there they are all Christ�s free men and are on perfect
equality with each other. There as in the grave the servant
is free from his master, and the oppressor�s voice not to be
heard. There they call no man master or father on earth.
There conscience is free.�
Black Baptists, Black baptisms, Black evangelism
April 2, 2007
Danger of Professional Music
� �Strange
as it may seem, it is also possible for music to be too good
to use in Christian worship, because it draws attention
from the words instead of to them. In his book
Worship in the Melting Pot, Peter Masters tells us that
is why Charles Spurgeon did not even allow an organ in the
Metropolitan Tabernacle. Whatever we may think of that
decision, we must ensure that our music must always be the
servant of the Word of God, never its master.� �from Can
We Rock the Gospel? (p.222) by John Blanchard and Dan
Lucarini. Read 1Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19;
Colossians 3:16.
Music, Worship
Baptist Sentiments of John Wycliffe
� John Wycliffe is well-known as an English pre-Reformation reformer in
the fourteenth century. What is not as well known is his
leanings toward Baptist doctrine. David Benedict in A
General History of the Baptist Denomination, Volume I
(p.192-193) gives this report: �There can be no dispute that
Wickliff taught Anabaptistical errors, that many who built
in his principles rejected infant baptism; and indeed the
evidence is very strong that he himself became a Baptist.
�Dr. Hurd
in his History of all Religions says, �It is pretty
clear from the writings of many learned men, that Dr. John
Wickliff, the first English reformer, either considered
infant baptism unlawful or at best unnecessary.� The author
of a History of Religion, published in London in
1764, in four volumes octavo, says, �it is clear from many
authors that Wickliff rejected infant baptism, and that on
this doctrine his followers agreed with the modern
Baptists.� Thomas Walden and Joseph Vicecomes, who had
access to his writings, have charged him with denying
pedobaptism [infant baptism], and they brought their charge
at a time when it might have been easily contradicted, if it
had not been true.
before mentioned calls Wickliff �one of the seven heads that
came out of the bottomless pit, for denying infant baptism,
that heresy of the Lollards, of whom he was a great
ring-leader.�� Read Acts 8:36-37.
John Wycliffe, Baptists, Baptism, Infant Baptism