An editorial in Friday's Wall Street Journal pondered the path of televangelism since its heyday in the 1980's. Beginning in 1987, a series of...
An article in the Daily Mail (England) on Thursday September 7th 2006 highlights the story of an evangelical Christian being arrested and charged...
For centuries, the Romans controlled the Western world. Their many advantages included their military, their commerce, their administration, and...
An editorial in today's Wall Street Journal reports on the growth of Anti-Semitism (hatred toward the Jewish people) in the Western world. It...
A debate is heating up within the Southern Baptist Convention over the issue of Tongues. The Chicago Tribune reported today that the...
In the August 25, 2006, edition of the Jewish newspaper, "Forward," one article discussed the similarity between the words for high priest in...
Joshua Thomas (1719-1797) served as the pastor of the Baptist church at Leominster in Wales for almost 45 years. His history of the Baptists in...
Today's Wall Street Journal has an editorial on how the IRS is reviewing the content of sermons to see if it deems any of them to be political in...
Comments we received in regard to "Three Kings and Some Land": Hi Pastor Reagan, I have been studying in the book of Jeremiah and read the chapter...
In early April of 2006, many of the major news media outlets (including MSNBC's website: carried a story...
Proverbs 20:30
Encouraged by his own SermonThe sermons of Charles Spurgeon went all over the world and were often preached by other preachers. “One of the most beautiful and positive incidents of the plagiarism of Spurgeon occurred...