According to today's Wall Street Journal, the United States had its largest outbreak of measles for nine years in May of 2005. Indiana reported 34...
About two weeks ago (I cannot find the exact date), a construction worker was digging up a peat bog somewhere in Ireland for the purpose of...
A couple of years ago, I (along with others) questioned the wisdom of the great number of Christians who supported Mel Gibson's movie, "The...
I received the following excellent comments on the earlier blog called Using Biblical Terminology. I often can see points in the different sides...
David Cloud has an excellent article on his site that I encourage you to read...
"Evolutionist Mary H. Schweitzer of North Carolina State University has...
The Scopes Trial which took place in July of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee, is known to many as the Scopes Monkey Trial. The ACLU engineered this...
The Baptist History Tour that I usually attend is always a powerful time of spiritual enrichment for me and others. The Baptist History tour 2007...
Recently, scientists have discovered that hallucinogenic drugs developed from certain mushrooms that grow wild in Wales...
On August 3, 2006 (9th of Ab in the Jewish calendar; a month called the "fifth month" in the Bible), the Jewish people will remember the 2,592nd...
Proverbs 20:5
Surrender to the MessageThe message and the messenger cannot be separated. The proclamation and the proclaimer intertwine...