One of the dirty little secrets of Calvinism is that it really does make God the author of sin. In "The Doctrine of God" by John M. Frame, John...
Most churches today are learning marketing techniques from men like George Barna in order to grow larger and larger churches. They think that...
Alfred Edersheim wrote a major life of Christ called "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah." Edersheim's Jewish heritage gave him interesting...
One of the results of possession by evil spirits in the maniac of Gadara was self-mutilation. Mark 5:5 describes his actions: "And always, night...
In 1990, 8% of American adults had no religious affiliation. In a survey just out, 14% of...
Eastern Lightning is the name of a religious cult in China that is doing much harm. The group appeared in the early 1990's in China's Heilongjian...
Most Christians know that our spiritual opposition comes from three sources: the world, the flesh, and the devil. However, as in most things, we...
I believe that God weaves His design into the Bible in many ways. One thing He uses is numbers and the number He uses most prominently is the...
According to a study completed by a team of sociologists (as reported in the July 3, 2006, edition of "Time"), people in America are losing...
Christians often choose their heroes in much the same way as the world does. They look for glamor and spectacle and not for true Christian...
Proverbs 20:6
Things That Cannot Be UndoneThere are things which even the forgiven man cannot undo anymore than you cast a stone into a pool, and then with your hand stay the ever-multiplying circles...